When it comes to paying for college, we recognize that the costs can add up quickly. However, we believe that one of the most extraordinary aspects about attending the Colburn Conservatory of Music is the opportunity for students to study without financial barriers. Thanks to the vision and support of the Conservatory’s founding philanthropist Richard D. Colburn, along with generous support from our donor community each year, we continue to offer full scholarships for tuition, plus grants that cover all housing costs for students who choose to live on campus as well as on-campus meal plans. Because of this support, Colburn students do not have to file FAFSA or PROFILE forms.
Our application fee is $140. This is mandatory and nonrefundable. Application fee waivers may be requested in cases of financial hardship; proof of finances may be required for approval of a fee waiver.
Accepted students must pay a one-time $500 enrollment deposit. This is due at the time of submitting your enrollment documents to the Colburn Conservatory of Music.
Although the Colburn Conservatory of Music is proud to provide our students full scholarships for tuition, a comprehensive fee is charged to all students to underwrite institutional costs. Many of these expenses help us provide you with a supportive musical learning environment. Examples of expenses include:
The comprehensive fee for 2023–24 is $4,500. Students are eligible to apply for financial aid awards to offset this fee.
Colburn Conservatory of Music students who choose to stay in our Residence Halls are provided grants to cover housing and meals in the Colburn Cafe. A Residence Hall Damage Deposit of $250 is collected at the start of the school year, and any damage to school property will be deducted from this deposit at the end of the school year.
You will be responsible to purchase your own textbooks and supplies, including musical and instrument necessities, such as staff paper, strings, reeds, etc. We estimate an annual textbook cost of $500 for undergraduate students.
All Colburn Conservatory of Music students are expected to provide proof of year-round health insurance coverage. For international students and those individuals who do not have their own insurance or are not covered under a spouse or parent plan, we offer a comprehensive student policy through Gallagher Student Health Insurance. Monthly premiums run approximately $200 for a 12-month policy coverage for undergraduates and international students; graduate student premiums are around $275 per month.
Scholarships, grants, financial aid, and allowances from the Colburn School may have tax implications for international students as determined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the United States. The Colburn School is required to withhold taxes per the IRS, and the withholding amount depends on each student’s tax status and whether the U.S. has a tax treaty with the student’s home country. Nonresident aliens on an F, J, M, or Q visa are subject to a 14% tax withholding rate on non-service fellowship/scholarship income, in the absence of a claimed tax treaty.
These tax withholding requirements are only applied to non-qualified fellowships/scholarships, such as:
This income will be reported to the student and to the U.S. government on a form 1042-S which is prepared by March 15 of each year.
In cases where this tax withholding is required, the tax amount sent to the IRS by Colburn will appear as a charge on the student bill. Students are responsible for paying this along with any other charges indicating on the student’s bill.
The net price is the amount for which students are directly responsible, minus tuition scholarships, housing grants, and meal plan grants. Students who opt to secure loans to cover the Net Price are responsible for repaying those loans. Scholarships, grants, and awards do not have to be repaid.
Tuition: $60,000 Housing and meal plan: $21,300 (First and second-year undergraduate students are required to live on campus.) Estimated total scholarship and grant aid: $81,300
Comprehensive fee: $4,500 Estimated cost of books and supplies: $1,200 Estimated other expenses: $5,500 (This figure includes health insurance, transportation, and other personal expenses students may incur.)
Estimated total cost of attendance or Net Price: $10,900
Net price calculators are available on a college or university website and allow prospective students to enter information about themselves to find out what students like them paid to attend the institution in the previous year, after taking grants and scholarship aid into account. All students enrolling at the Colburn School have the same Net Price (see above).