
Francesca Bori
Adaptive Music Program, Early Childhood, Cello
Francesca Bori received a Certificate in Early Childhood Development from Santa Monica College and her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music with a Certification in Music Therapy from California State University at Long Beach.
Ted Botsford holding a bass and smiling in front of a window.
Double Bass Faculty
As an orchestral musician, soloist, teacher, and proponent of contemporary music, Ted Botsford enjoys a varied career.
Chamber Music and Viola Faculty
As violist of the Cuarteto Casals, Jonathan William Brown performed in all of the major concert halls in Europe, North America, and Asia and made numerous recordings on the Harmonia Mundi label. As a guest violist, Jonathan has performed with the Tokyo, Jerusalem, Kuss, Marmen, Miro, Zemlinsky, Quiroga, and Armida quartets.
Juliana Bulgarelli smiling in front of a window.
Modern Dance Instructor
Ms. Bulgarelli is a dancer, teacher, and choreographer who is passionate about music and the global impact that the arts can have on people of all backgrounds.
Violin Instructor
Sherry Cadow was a student of Louise Behrend at Manhattan School of Music, where she received her B.M. She also studied extensively with Joseph Fuchs at Alfred Summer Chamber Music Institute in Alfred, New York.
Chair, Modern and Creative Dance, Modern Dance Instructor
Tamsin Carlson is a graduate of the Arts Educational School, where she was awarded a college diploma, and London Contemporary Dance School, where she was awarded a diploma for her course work.